More Of My Testimony
I have personally used it to heal quicker from surgery pain & corona virus.
In this picture, I am recovering from lung surgery.
I programed staph & inflammation frequencies. Microbes are eliminated while the human host remains unharmed.
I just program it and sit there under the light frequencies.
I could feel the Tissue Regeneration Frequencies working which assisted in eliminating the pain.
Thank God! I am cancer free!
Additionally, my blood pressure went down due to using the kidney frequencies. My blood pressure went from 162/96 on Dec 2, 2020 to 121/68 on April 19, 2021, and than down to 98/62 on June 1, 2021. I also lost weight, after continued daily sessions with my unit!
Currently, my husband is using the prostate frequency.
I was so happy with results I've received therefore, I wanted to help others get relief of their own.
Therefore, I am an Authorized Representative for the Company, to help You get Your own Machine and train you to use your unit, after you purchase one.
John’s powerful testimonial
This is worth listening to.
Comparitive analysis of blood before and after Beam Ray treatments
Dr. Jane Strayer walks us through before and after blood sample results of a patient treated with the Rife Beam Ray system. Using a dark-field Nikon Eclipse E 600 Microscope with a 100X objective lens connected to a Sony video camera system for projection of the scope onto a flat screen monitor. Although somewhat technical, this video demonstrates the holistic nature of Rife frequency healing.
West Holt Memorial Hospital
A Synopsis of Clinical Findings Using Beam Ray Technology, March 16, 2004
This is documentation of clinical observations made while involved in a study to for the Beam Ray instrument to be used in treating pain.
Case #1
This is a woman in her early 20’s, who for several years had had significant neck pain
with corresponding headaches. She suffered from chronic fatigue. All prior treatment had
been ineffective, and she had tried most forms of traditional medicine, including various
specialists. The patient had visited many Chiropractors (some of whom practiced
hundreds of miles away), and had made multiple trips to Mexico, in order to obtain relief.
She also reported a very decreased quality of life that affected her job, marriage, and
overall mental state. Her medical bills from prior treatment were in the tens of thousands
of dollars.
In just 2 weeks, this patient incredibly reported complete relief of neck pain and
headaches. There has been a dramatic improvement in her energy level. She is now more
than 8 months post-treatment, and still reports being pain free.
Case #2
A man in his mid-fifties began treatment for inner ear pain, secondary to chronic
sinus/ear infections. The man incidentally had asthma (which required regular use of a
steroid inhaler), chronic skin lesions, and back pain. This patient’s most immediate and
dramatic decrease in symptoms was his ability to breathe without the inhaler. His sinuses
cleared, and his left ear pain resolved. Six months after treatment, he was still reporting a
dramatically increased ability to breathe, and freedom from pain.
Case #3
A lady in her early 70’s has had chronic feet neuropathy, of unknown etiology. Diabetes is
unsubstantiated, but the signs and symptoms are characteristic of diabetic neuropathy.
Prior to treatment, bilateral foot pain was so severe that she could not sleep, because the
weight of bed sheets kept her awake. She reported a lot of “numbness”.
During treatment she subjectively reported a decrease in overall foot and leg pain of
approximately 50%, a decrease in the use of pain medication, an increase in energy, an
increased ability to perform activities of daily living, and the ability to sleep most of the
night. Although pain decreased, numbness did not improve.
A month after terminating regular treatment this patient’s symptoms returned to their
original state, so in her case, results were not lasting. It would seem that if this person had
access to her own Beam Ray unit that her quality of life might possibly increase
Case #4
A lady in her late 50’s has a diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy. She has long been on
chronic administration of opiate medication to be able to function. Before treatment, even
in freezing weather, she wore only sandals because socks caused too much pain. Indeed,
her goal in treatment was to be able to wear socks. She slept poorly because the weight of
bed sheets was painful on her feet. She also experienced symptoms of paresthesia.
Within the first week of treatment, the patient reported less pain and paresthesia, and less
need to take pain medication. She also began sleeping better. Within 2 months, the
decrease in pain and paresthesia topped out at approximately 50%, however this was
enough to allow her to comfortably wear not only socks, but also boots. As in case number 3, all of this patient’s symptoms returned weeks after treatment
terminated. Again, it would seem that if this person had regular access to a personal unit,
that her quality of life might be much improved.
West Holt Memorial Hospital Beam Ray Research Report , January, 2006
I have reported on only 6 patients that I would categorize as having success. We have had 15 patients enroll in the program since last report, but most of the others have been so non-compliant that it would be improper to attribute their lack of progress to the Beam Ray instrument. Again, no adverse effects have been reported, or observed in any participant. Beam Ray is very safe, and effective, especially when used as directed.
Patient #58 suffers from chronic idiopathic peripheral neuropathy . His feet burn
terribly, and daily turn very red and become swollen. The only way he can sleep is to
have his feet from under covers with a fan blowing on them. Before beginning Beam Ray
treatment, he slept very little at all, but now says he sleeps “tons much better.”
This patient says that Beam Ray has given overall pain relief and increase in ability to
perform activities of daily living increased 20%. He also had weakness in his legs, and he
estimates an improvement in strength of 60%. This patient says that he must have daily
exposure to Beam Ray, or his improvements quickly dissipate.
Patient #59 suffers pain, which is presumably secondary to Multiple Myeloma, or plasma
cell cancer. She reports an overall improvement in pain, energy, and improved sleep.
Patient #60 was this year’s most enjoyable and gratifying success story. The retired teacher is markedly obese, despite 3 gastric bypass surgeries. The abdominal surgeries, after years, were followed by complications that left her with other follow-up surgeries due to abdominal adhesions, and also left her with a large, un-repairable ventral hernia that has a chronic pseudomonas infection . The patient was barely ambulatory , and always used a walker. Her life consisted of sitting in a chair and being served by her husband. She had almost no energy. Her cognitive abilities were markedly decreased, evidenced by the fact that she could read less than 10 minutes, then could no longer tolerate reading, or comprehend the text. She couldn’t perform simple calculations. She was terribly depressed and on multiple anti-depressant medications. Affect was always negative. She has bilateral knee joint replacements. The right prosthesis once got infected, and remains especially painful after gross scar tissue formed within it. The patient also suffered from chronic sinus congestion . During and after Beam Ray therapy, the patient is now walking without a walker or a cane. Her affect is bright, and she smiles often. The increase in energy and ability to perform activities of daily living has been truly remarkable! She does manual labor of working up to 4 hours per day in her garden (in the hot sun), and sorting clothes in her basement. Always a voracious reader, she now reads for hours, and keeps 4 books active at a time. Her ability to perform calculations has returned. She is so happy from these improvements that she has stopped taking all anti-depressant medications. The chronic pseudomonas infection has decreased as much as 80%, evidenced by the decrease in number and size of lesions, as well as a decrease in odor. Her sinuses have cleared, to the extent that the only respiratory complaint is that of an occasional runny nose. The patient takes extended relief oxycodone medication, only because of the pain in her right knee. Nearly all of the improvements listed in the above paragraph took place before she began oxycodone therapy. She attributes an overall pain relief of 70% with Beam Ray and medications, and as much as 60% pain relief from Beam Ray alone.
Patient #63 suffered from pain and stiffness in her back with left sciatica , elbows,
shoulders, knees, and extremities. She had occasional frontal headaches , and intermittent
supra-pubic pain from a chronic irritable bladder that contains inflammatory polyps.
She also suffered from insomnia , fatigue , and seasonal allergies with allergic rhinitis,
depression , and gastritis. It must be noted that this patient agreed to come only 3 times
per week for 2 hour visits. In reality she averaged coming only 2 times per week.
This patient reports a decrease in joint pain of approximately 70%, and says that her
joints feel “looser.” When treatment began, it was difficult for her to get out of bed
because of stiffness and pain. Back pain and sciatica is gone. She has lost all pain in her
wrists, fingers, and feet. She always woke her at night because of pain in her feet, but no
longer does so. She reports being able to lift up to 35 pounds, pain free...a considerable
improvement. She also reports the ability to drive long distances (750 miles) without
back pain or fatigue. The patient reports all of this pain relief, in spite of the fact that she
has virtually eliminated prescription and over-the-counter medications.
Depression has decreased 80%. Symptoms of irritable bladder (urinary frequency,
urgency, and pain) have decreased 75%. Before Beam Ray treatment she woke 6 to 8
times per night to urinate, now wakes only 2 times. The patient has taken the medications
Macrodantin and Elmiron for over 2 years without having any of these improvements in
her bladder function. Quality of sleep has greatly improved. Breathing is much better. She
has not complained of gastritis.
Patient #64 has been very non-compliant in following the protocol. In spite of this, she
has had a good clinical response. She presented with complaints of pain in the right
pelvis, upper back, knees, ankles, elbows, and bilateral lower ribs. She also complained
intermittently of a right upper quadrant pain. She is plagued with painful menstrual
cycles . She also has frequent tension headaches. The patient is markedly overweight, and
has a very active and stressful work/family schedule.
The patient logged only 22 treatments over a 2-month period. In her last questionnaire,
she reported a 70% reduction in overall pain. Menstrual cycles have been completely
uneventful. She has had relatively few, if any headaches.
Patient #65 is a 10-year old girl who has chronic asthma . She really has no pain issues,
but her mother (a Registered Nurse), aware of reduction of asthma symptoms in other
Beam Ray patients insisted that her daughter be able to participate in the program. In
light of the fact that no patients have experienced adverse side effects in more than 3
years, I agreed. The child’s asthma is so advanced that she has to daily take peak flow measurements and
prophylactic breathing treatments. With any upper respiratory infection, she usually has a
guaranteed doctor visit and is usually treated with steroids.
After regular Beam Ray therapy, the mother reports that her child’s peak flow
measurements have increased. She has decreased prophylactic and interventional
breathing treatments. She is having almost no respiratory problems or drainage, and
displays only a little cough when out in the cold night air. Amount of coughing has
decreased approximately 80%. The child is also able to stay up later at night, and seems
to have less fatigue. When she has a respiratory problem, such as a cold, she manages it
without having to go to the doctor (the mother is extremely pleased with this). Overall,
the mother describes the decrease in signs and symptoms from asthma as “miraculous!”