Hello, I learned about this machine after I was diagnosed with stage 3 Lung Cancer with metastasized lymph nodes, on January15, 2021 and given only 1 to 2 years to live.  Because of this technology,  I am cancer free! I have my life back. Now you need one!

A friend of mine, who is a nurse, had one because her mother had lung cancer.   My friend used it on her mother and to eliminate her own symptoms of Lyme disease, she is also using it to detox herself from harmful microorganisms.  She  uses it on her cats, as well.  She bought her machine, in 2012,  from a rep in Hawaii. 

She recommended it for my condition. She let me use her machine for a treatment.

Immediately, I could breath better after the first treatment and the coughing stopped.  I used the Cancer Protocol procedure - 90 minute treatments, morning and evening.  After 2 weeks, I received a biopsy and they found no cancer in my lymph nodes.  I used the frequencies to get rid of the pain from the biopsy.

Doctor still wanted to operate to take it out to find the cancer.  

I continued to use the cancer protocol frequencies - 90 minute treatments, morning and evening.  

I contracted COVID, before they could operate. I used the frequencies to reduce the effects of COVID and I healed much faster. 

I continued to use the cancer protocol frequencies - 90 minute treatments, morning and evening.

When the time came to operate.  The Doctor took one of my lymph nodes and the small nodule from my left lung.  There was no cancer! 

I was told by a friend that I even look younger.  I am 66 years old. I believe this machine has helped me look younger and definitely feel younger! Plus, my blood pressure drastically  went down and I feel so much healthier.   I stopped taking the antacid medicine prescribed to me, soon after I started the treatments.  I don't need them any more. I toke no medicine and I am in no pain.

I was so impressed with what this machine did for me that I bought one for myself and I became a rep for the company to help others get their own machine.  

Royal Raymond Rife's technology uses resonant frequencies,  proves SAFE, painless & inexpensive. During a 60 or 90 minute session, it  increases your circulation and oxygen flow, while releasing toxins. It maintains balance in your bio-magnetic field around your body, which makes it more UN-likely to sustain illness or injury. This machine, is programmed to produce a light and sound frequency that would kill harmful microorganisms. The same way that a singer shatters a glass with a focused tone, the frequencies will destroy/kill off offending organisms like toxic bacteria, fungus, parasites, and viruses that can accumulate in our bodies. Bacteria etc are destroyed by blasting them with electromagnetic waves oscillating at frequencies specific to each target organism.

But wait, it also works for pain relief!

I pinched something in my back the other day, while lifting something. I used it to get rid of the pain in my back, after one treatment. 

gray vehicle wheel

For Pain Relief and Pain Management For Yourself And/or Your Loved Ones.

Pain Relief That Works!

Basically, if a person has ANY sort of pain, there's a good chance this UNIT can help. Knowing the underlying causes certainly helps, too. But we have general pain programs that we can run. Not necessarily IMMEDIATE relief, but after several sessions, almost everyone reports some sort of relief.

I had Covid for 8 weeks and my doctors did not think I would beat it, and truthfully, neither did I. I had never been so sick in my life. That is until the first time I used the beam ray! I ran the Coronavirus program and by the time it was done, I no longer felt 'sick'. I was able to walk under my own power for the first time in weeks and continued to improve daily using the Coronavirus frequencies. I can't thank you enough for providing this amazing technology. We are very grateful. Sue

54 year old with sharp knee pain at level 10, was surprised that after the 90 minute treatment, the pain was drastically reduced so that walking up & down the stairs is easier. Pain reduced below a 1. "Wow! The light really works!" M.R.

63 year old with extreme bursitis pain in her left shoulder, is PAIN FREE, after six treatments. "I recommend the treatment to others." Serita  (A side note: it's been months and Serita, is still pain free.)

49 year old, with torn meniscus and leg wound. In two years the wound only got worse, it went from dime size to dollar bill size, even steroids did not help. After treatment,  the knee with the torn meniscus does not hurt. The pain from the wound was drastically reduced and there is new skin growing back. "This works! I'm Impressed! I can't wait for my next treatment." Beth

I have known Dawn for many years, we have held yard sales together over the years. I was heartbroken for her when she told me that she was diagnosed with cancer; then she started to tell me about this machine she was using and raving about it. She told me that it got rid of the pain she had when she had her lung biopsy. I had been having a lot of pain in my right shoulder socket with shooting pain to my back. So when she offered to let me try a session, I jumped at the chance. After the first 90 minute treatment the pain in my shoulder was gone! I continued to go to her home for therapy once a day for a week, in addition, I fell and hurt my knees. It also got rid of the pain in my knees. I am soooo elated with this and encourage anyone in need to get their own unit. You will be glad you did! A.C.   Contact my friend Dawn Shaw to order your own Unit.

We are using Beam Ray which is a light and sound generator developed from the technology of Royal Raymond Rife. Users have had excellent result with eliminating pain associated with: Cancer - Lyme Disease - Pneumonia - Colds/Flu - Bone Spurs - Hepatitis C - Herpes - Parasites - Viruses - Bacteria - Fungus - Shingles - Fibromyalgia - Chronic Fatigue - Allergies - 

The company said they have had quite a few people get the machine for  glioblastomas over the years who have shown great response. One specifically,  of a child, who's parents,  used it on him, for that and he is now in his 20s, living a healthy life.  Isn't that wonderful!!!

Wouldn't it be wonderful to have your pain reduced or even to be pain-free?

My goal is to help you get your own machine and train you to use it.

Ideally, with your own machine, a 90 minute treatment in your home, morning and evening could keep you pain-free through out the day.  We can run the programs and see how your body responds.  Don't you deserve to see how this machine can benefit you?    Contact me today! 

I use my machine daily to stay cancer free, healthy and pain free.  More than 10,000 people are using these units to stay healthy, also 2 clinics in Hawaii are offering treatments.   
Why shouldn't you have your own machine to stay healthy?

Dawn Shaw

This is the BEST thing I have found and it will provide me a better quality of prolonged life.  It already has!

This is my Machine

This unique light & sound generator,  developed to be used for pain relief with almost all subjects, including  dogs, cats, horses, and birds.

Royal Raymond Rife 1888-1971

Most brilliant medical scientist of the century. The powerful light microscopes he invented allowed him to observe viruses in the natural state. Building on this, Rifes' Beam Ray was able to destroy harmful pathogens by transmitting certain frequencies. 
Like a singer who shatters a glass with a pure focused tone.

May 6, 1938

Evening Tribune  front page title - Dread Disease Germs Destroyed by Rays, after 18 - years of Toil by Rife.  In one study documented by the University of Southern California, 16 out of 16 cancer patients pronounced "terminally ill" or "incurable" by other doctors were completely cured by Rife's ray tube system in under four months.  

You Deserve A Better Quality Of Life!

One user reported that she was alive 6 years after being given 6-12 months to live, due to metastatic breast cancer and her chest bones were destroyed by the cancer, prior to using "this wonderful technology". 

After I was diagnosed with cancer,  I learned that Hope 4 Cancer in Mexico has this the Light & Sound Generator machine for one of their treatments, if I could afford $47,000 for three weeks of cancer treatments. I could not afford that. Also, Two Wellness Centers in Hawaii are offering treatments with this machine in their office, charging $1.00 per minute. And it's Worth it! I don't live in Hawaii. But, I couldn't afford that because I use my machine twice a day, 90 minutes daily, that would get expensive. 

However, I could afford my own machine. Which is much cheaper!

You can have your own machine to use daily. let me assist you when you would like to purchase your own Unit(s) and train you to use it.  I can even assist with putting the light wand together for you. 

Our units currently come loaded with 300 program listings. They are by name, alphabetically. You simply choose the program you want to run. There is also room for thousands more to be added, should you need/want to.  

Non-Portable Unit - $5000

It comes standard with a dual light assembly and fans, light stand, keyboard, instructional DVD and manual. You will need to supply your own standard compatible computer monitor, purchased separately for this unit.

You will need to provide your own a high quality surge protector with a joule rating of 2590 or higher, purchased separately, for either unit.

Our units come with a standard warranty: 1 year parts and 90 days labor. The bulbs are guaranteed for 6 months from purchase date.

Replacement bulbs, $150 each. 

We do not offer financing

Portable Unit like what I have costs - $6000

The monitor is on the generator. 

 It comes standard with a built in monitor, dual light assembly and fans, light stand, keyboard, instructional DVD and manual. 

2nd day UPS shipping is INCLUDED in the total

Our invoicing system accepts ALL major credit cards/ debit cards or bank transfers

Provide your physical address to mail unit.  Also, provide your phone number, email and full name for invoice to be emailed to you. 

I will handle all your training and inquiries. 

**** No medical claims are made or implied for Beam Ray devices or frequency sets! They are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, treat or mitigate any medical condition or disease. Please consult a qualified physician for any medical conditions! ****